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The HRM Pension Committee

About Us

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  • To book a virtual, in person or telephone appointment, or for any questions, call 902 490-6213
  • Toll Free: 1 888 490-6213
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  • 1809 Barrington Street, Suite 1108, CIBC Building Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3K8

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The HRM Pension Committee (the 'Committee') is tasked with the overall governance of the Plan as well as ensuring that the Plan is able to deliver its benefit promise to members. The Committee is structured such that both employee and management groups have equal representation during decision-making processes.

The Committee consists of twelve voting members. Five of the voting members are union representatives and another five are appointed by HRM management. A retired member and a representative from the Non-Union Municipal Employees Association (NUMEA) make up the remainder of the voting members of the Committee.

The five employee unions represented on the Committee with voting members include:

Meet the HRM Pension Committee

Union Representatives

Dan White

Jonathan Beer

Marc Voisin

Ray MacKenzie

Melanie Parker, Co-Chair 

Management Representatives

John Traves, Co-Chair

Britt Wilson

Rob Ritchie

Jerry Blackwood

Vicki Robertson


Additional Voting Members 

Mark Hartlen 

Greg MacKay 

Training and Education Sub-Committee

The Training and Education Sub-Committee is responsible for developing required competencies of Committee members as well as recommending annual training and education budgets. This support ensures that Committee members have access to adequate training opportunities and remain up-to-date on industry issues and best practices.    

Audit Sub-Committee

The Audit Sub-Committee is responsible for overseeing the selection of the external auditor as well as reviewing the annual audited financial statements prior to Committee approval. 

We serve 13,950+ Members


Active Members


Retired Members


Deferred Vested Members